The Story
Willy was a purebred Thai cat seal point Siamese, cat pretty quiet, he loved comforts and attentions he demanded in a quite eloquent way, but his instinct was not less feline than the other cats as he loved especially when was younger, to go hunting his prey, getting even good satisfactions. The birds that recently loved challenging him must thank his venerable age if were able to escape from him.
Willy was a cat of great appetite; unfortunately for almost his life he was forced to have only dry food, because of the FUS (Feline Urinary Syndrome) but nevertheless he did not disdain it. He got crazy to eat shrimps and hakes and sometime they were granted to him, but there was one thing he was particularly fond, the oil of the natural tuna. Willy was able to intercept the tuna tin just hearing the noise of the can opener and he demanded his share with hold mewing. As I said before Willy has always had to deal with minor health problems, when he was less than one year old he broke his pelvis, after, supposedly, an incident with a vehicle and thanks to his strength, his young age and some sunbathing he was able to overcome the problem totally in a few weeks time. Subsequently Willy began to suffer from FUS, like most male cats and from that moment it had to change his diet. In subsequent years between doctor check up controls Willy's life went quietly, leading the life that every domestic cat does, covered with attentions and small pampers. One of the things Willy loved the most was climbing and going around the rooftops and beyond, he often horned into some neighbour’s flats who did not always like the little timely visit. We tried in every way to stop his escape routes but it seemed that the most you did with any tool to close the most he accepted the challenge of overcoming unnecessary obstacles. There are many times that our dear friend, went walking on the handrail of the terrace railing at more than 25 meters high from the ground, or out on the eaves of the cloister inside the building defying height and recalls.
It was not an easy thing to hold him, especially in summer time when thanks to summer heat accomplice he used to take advantage of the spread open windows to run away, returning only occasionally in early mornings. I am reminded the period in which the scaffolds were placed in the internal courtyard of the building where we lived and honestly I do not remember what kept him away from them, the fear he could get off the building from the ground floor and maybe getting lost as not able to get the way home; however, I remember when he was brought back up from our neighbour who found him going round into the building lobby, certainly, he found the way out through the laundries and perhaps in a moment the door to the stairs was open, he run away . I can only imagine his satisfaction going along five floors stairs, Willy, in fact, liked to go up and down the stairs and had recently also become for him a good exercise. He went up the stairs to the upper floor going to rub door of the tenant on the top floor, scratching his nail. Obviously he could feel the smell of the pit-bull that lived into that flat as there was also between them an old friendship. As I said before, Willy, usually passing from the terrace, went upstairs and sneak into others apartments, in one of these was well found, since he had close friendship a with a big pit-bull and older female cat, they spent hours and hours together to scrutinize one to each other; who knows' what did they discuss about and in what language! The only way to have him not running away was to keep him waiting to eat it as once had his meal you could forget him for hours and hours and there was no way to retrieve him back! Another situation which so pleased Willy was to lie and wait for geckos that lived behind the vine in the terrace, since last summer I did not see one of them anymore, there are two hypotheses according to me, the first one is maybe Willy has contributed to the extinction of species, at least the condominium one, or that the geckos have made a pass word to each other, for sure next summer I will be’ able to give me an answer. The winter’s been always little bit different, Willy like all Siamese cats, did not like the cold, and then he rested for hours wrapped in his blanket lying in his basket in the sun, the only times when you did not find him there was in the early morning, after breakfast of course, when he went out in the terrace to go and smell some plants and eat some grass or when it was into the kitchen at the time he usually had his meals.
There were several like these told in my story, but one thing Willy taught everyone all, his strength and the great dignity that even during the sad moments never failed to overcome.
I still do not know if there will be another cat, it will certainly be' another adventure but no less compelling than but definitely a new one.
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